(Mary Ann and her grandson Benji)
I never thought much about being a mother. I mean you grew
up, got married and had kids. Everyone did it; everyone that I knew anyway and
they didn’t seem to make much of a big deal about it. But it is a BIG deal. I
had so much to learn about being a mother.
doesn’t come naturally to everyone.
isn’t always a piece of cake.
it is overwhelming.
often do not know what to do next.
If you
just keep at it, it will be the very best thing you ever do!!
I would do it over again even though there were some very
hard times.
Now I am in my sixties and I look back with fondness. I look at
pictures of my sweet children and I am sure that I did not see how wonderful
they were then, not clearly enough anyway. It is so easy to get caught up in
the work of being a mother that you
forget to pay attention to the joys
of being a mother.
(Mary Ann's "babies" from left to right: Jodie, Seth, Jenny, Marie, Andrew, Barry, and Kate)
Here are just a few things that I would do differently if I
had it to do over again:
would realize that hearing a child call “mom” is a magical sound even if
they say it 100 times a day. The time will come when you will miss it!
would cherish every wet and sloppy kiss because no matter how many you get
they will never be enough! You will want more of them long after your
child is grown.
clean house is not more important than a sweet relationship with your
child. Messy bedrooms eventually disappear and so does the child – into
adult hood – and then all you have left is a perennially empty and clean
room and hopefully a child who wants to come home on occasion and fill it
back up.
with a child are amazing, if you take the time to listen.
child’s laughter and joy is contagious if you are paying attention. Catch
it because it is great.
the care taker of another persons learning and personal growth is an
amazing stewardship and is worth all the time and effort it takes to do it
with kindness and gentleness.
huge reward for raising a child well is another adult friend and grand
children! Now that I am a grandmother I have learned most of these things.
Moving at a slower and gentler pace is what grandparents do and so we see a bit
more clearly and we enjoy a bit more deeply. Any mother who is clear on the
importance of being a mother and is willing to make it her number one priority
for a short while can have these things long before she is a grandmother.
It is
truly a short time so enjoy it.