Monday, January 7, 2013

Tessa and the big bad bath.

Hey all! I'm pretty excited for this new year and I've got some great new ideas for the blog. I'm still trying to decide whether I want to share Tessa's birth story or not. Would anyone even be interested in hearing it? Maybe.

I feel like I'm a pretty good mom but yesterday was definitely a mommy fail day or at least for awhile I felt like it was. Luckily, Tessa has forgiven me and we're the best of friends again. Tessa's sleeping schedule has always been a little off. Instead of going down for the night at 10 and sleeping until 5 or 6 she wants to go down at 7:30 on the dot and sleep until 2 or 3. This isn't good for mommy because although mommy would love getting seven to eight hours of sleep during the night, she isn't willing to hit the hay at 7. Our plan is to every couple of days keep her up a little later until eventually we get to our desired bed time.

Last night Tessa was super cranky because she hadn't had a nap all day, thanks one o'clock church, and was ready for bed by 6:30. How in the heck was I supposed to keep that lil' cranky pants up for another hour! I had the brilliant idea to give her a nice warm bath. The water would help relax her AND, bounus!, take up some time. We got her undressed, snapped a couple of naked bum pictures and headed for the tub. Tessa loves baths in the morning so she's sure to love them at night, right? WRONG! Screamed the whole time in the water, the whole time getting dressed, the whole time daddy read to her, and could hardly nurse because she was too mad at mom and her crazy ideas.

The whole thing really upset me. For some silly reason that fiasco made me feel like the worst mom ever. If I was a good mom I would have known that she would hate the bath that night and shame on me for thinking it'd be fun and cute to watch her splash in the water while smiling up at Daddy and I. Isn't it silly how we moms do that to ourselves? I've got to learn not to define my ability as a mother by whether something went perfect with Tessa or not. Odds are I'm going to mess up sometimes and things aren't always going to work out like they do in my head buuut Brady still loves me and so does Tessa. But from now on, baths in the morning in this house.
^^^You think I would have guessed what was to come because of this face.^^^

Sheesh :)

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about that. Babies just kinda have their own ideas about sleep, eating and baths. : )


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