Monday, November 19, 2012

No rants, just ramblings.

Over the weekend we made caramel apples with Brady's mom, Liesl. I wish I could say that Brady and I intentionally tried to make our apples look abstract but in reality we're just really bad at "apple art."
Especially, when compared to Liesl's flawless, perfect one. That woman knows her caramel apples, that's for sure.

I also watched this little clip on distinguishing baby cries to help you better understand what your baby needs. For some reason Oprah really bothers me in this video. Maybe it's the fact that the audience is a little too start struck and laughs at EVERYTHING she says and does. Oh Oprah. If you start feeling the same way, just stick with it. Trust me, it's actually pretty interesting stuff. 
Yesterday, I tried to see if I could recognize any of Tessa's cries. Not really. While she was fussing I said to her (in the "baby talk" voice we all use while talking to babies), "I'm sorry Tessa, I don't speak baby." Brady just stared at me, with a smile on his face and then said, "Yooou don't?" Hardy har. That's not what I meant. 

On Wednesday we're flying in to Utah to spend a day with these wonderful folks
 And then it's off to Riverton to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with these wild animals. I'm beyond excited.
So much has changed since this family picture was taken. We've lost some people but have gained others. I think I was fifteen or sixteen when this was taken and now I'm married with a baby. Wow. Luckily we're taking family photos this weekend.

Finally, I really liked the comment my sister made about this post
"The Mother's Prayer is that those little reminders will come over and over again. It's close to 7 years since my first and I still haven't been to the bathroom by myself except in the middle of the night. The day will come when I long for those little child bathroom conversations. I decided to dance with my babies today. Here's a sweet little song that you can dance with Tessa to. Dance with her often."

So, today we danced... 

to this song, that I sing to Tessa every night (which I can't seem to get through without tearing up). Someday this will be my Tessa Kaye.

She's a great dance partner :) Who seems to get milk goatees instead of milk mustaches...
Mommies and daddies, dance with your babies. Even if your baby is turning twenty next month (Ron and Liesl) or even if your babies are all grown and moved away, you still have a baby just down the street (mom). Dance with them. 

Dance with them often.  

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