Wednesday, July 31, 2013
The best recipe for happiness? Someone to call you "Sweetie Pie".
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
The best recipe for happiness? A healthy baby girl.
For those of you who'd care to know (grandparents), here is some of the info from Tessa's check up:
Height- 27 1/2 in. (50%)
Weight- 15 (15%)
Head- 44 (50%)
She has a healthy heart and can eat eggs now. Oh! This is not related to her appointment at all but she is officially saying "da da" to Brady. She said it twice to him on the phone and last night while she was in her crib she kept calling his name to come get her. When he'd go in to her room she'd wrap her little arms around his neck or wait for him to tickle her. She never calls me "da da" so I know she knows what it means. We'll see if she keeps it up or not. All I can say is, I've never seen a grown man "melt into a puddle" as fast as Brady did last night. She has him wrapped around her little finger.
The best recipe for happiness? Nine months.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
The best recipe for happiness? Packages from Amazon.
Monday, July 22, 2013
The best recipe for happiness? Copycat.
Basically, she's the best and we want a million more just like her!
Monday, July 15, 2013
The best recipe for happiness? Embracing beauty.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
The best recipe for happiness? A little 24 inch angel.
In an effort to counteract this bad habit I've decided to focus on doing service in different areas of my life. Trying to focus on others rather than myself. Trying to love and care for them rather than worrying whether they love or care for me. You know "losing my life" so I can "find" it.
Yesterday I invited a bunch of moms to play with Tessa and I at the wading pool. I made an extra effort to focus on them rather than myself. I tried to act confident and join in the conversation. There were a couple of hiccups but all and all I did really well. Success.
But I went home and started allowing myself to think they didn't like me and I spiraled. Fail.
One of the women couldn't make it because she is moving and needed to clean her old house. I offered my services. She has a toddler, which makes cleaning difficult, so I said I'd play with him while her and her visiting teachers cleaned. Attempting to think of others. Success.
When I got there I realized one of the visiting teachers was someone that really intimidates me. Dang. Not off to a good start. The son didn't really want to play with me and kept running back to his mom. Rather than just trying my best, with love still in my heart, I began to think everyone thought I wasn't helping at all. To make a long story short I caused my friend more stress than help and probably ended up looking like a jerk. How's that for making assumptions? Major fail.
I got home and went to my room and laid on my bed and cried. I'm religious. I pray. I feel Heavenly Fathers comforting arms around me often. But I wasn't feeling those arms yesterday.
Tessa saw when I came in. She saw that I didn't see her. She saw which direction I went. Tessa is a scooter, not a full out crawler. Because of this, getting around takes some effort. She rarely goes long distances unless she really wants something. She was on the other side of the house.
Sprawled on the bed, feeling sorry for myself, I hear a small noise. I looked toward the door and there was my little girl. In the hall. Scooting as fast as she could to find me. When she saw me look up and see her, she gave me a smile that was similar to this picture:
She had followed me. I got on the floor and she made the long journey to my bed. When I picked her up she clapped her hands and open-mouth-kissed my lips (she does that sometimes and it's awesome). She then wrapped her little hands around my neck and gave me a mommy-I-missed-you-why-didn't-you-pick-me-up-but-I-forgive-you hug. There were the comforting arms I asked for.
I guess sometimes Heavenly Father uses someone else's arms to pick you up, even if they're as little as arms could possibly be. The littlest arms are the strongest.
I can't believe she dragged herself all that long way just to get to me.
I can.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
The best recipe for happiness? Killer upper body strength.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
The best recipe for happiness? A big meal.
Tessa is so independent! She doesn't like being spoon fed and wants to do everything herself. The problem is, you can't eat pureed peaches with your hands and she can't quite get the spoon to her mouth without the food slipping off. Frustrated Tessa. Frustrated mom. She's loved the past few days because she can actually pick the food up with her hands. No spoon needed! No mom needed!
Last night she was so messy she had to have a pre-bath before her actual bath. You might say I'm overdoing it with the baths but you try and keep her from eating the floating food mixed with soap. Yuck. I'll take the double bath.
In the next day or two she's going to try some BBQ chicken (blended so it's a little easier to chew) and she's going to LOVE it. My fearless adventurer is also a fearless eater.