Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The best recipe for happiness? Someone to call you "Sweetie Pie".

Well it finally happened. Tessa Kaye got her first kiss. From someone other than family, that is. Yesterday we went to a friend's house to play. The little boy there is a little over one and a half, has an adorable toothy grin, talks incredibly well and just loves Tessa to pieces. We will call him "Golden Boy" because of his blonde hair. Golden Boy would run around the house calling Tessa to chase after him and she'd try her best to follow. Although she's fast, chasing little boys on all fours isn't as easy as chasing little boys on two legs. I told her not to worry. She'd be able to catch them by the time she gets to elementary school. 

Golden Boy would lap her twice, see that she was falling behind and stop to sit next to her. He'd put her face between his hands and smile. She'd reach for him and he'd squeal and start the chase again. When Tessa got distracted by something else Golden Boy would sit next to her, softly pat her head and call her "Sweetie Pie." I don't think I've ever seen anything cuter. Tessa's never had so much attention. Daddy may have some competition. 
It seemed that these two, Golden Boy and Tessa were as "thick as thieves" but while Golden Boy was taking his afternoon nap someone else eased their way into the picture. He had red fur, a big yellow nose and stole Tessa's heart from the first "I love you." I must confess that I was the one that introduced them. It was Elmo. A kissing Elmo to be exact. If you put his hand on his mouth he'd make a loud "Muuuuuuah" and blow you a kiss. Every time he made that smooch noise Tessa would pucker up and kiss that little furry monster right on the mouth! For the rest of our stay she rolled on the floor with her new playmate. Sometimes she'd lay him on the floor, then lay her head on his chest and hold his hand. Not many people can say their first kiss was from a celebrity.    
Looks like both daddy and Golden Boy have some competition. 

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