Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Through the looking glass

Tessa has loved our new home. When she's not outside playing she's spending most of her time looking through the big sliding glass door. I've never read Through The Looking Glass (the sequel to Alice in Wonderland) but one of my favorite movies as a kid was Magic In The Mirror. It. is. a. classic. I would watch it over and over again and then stand in front of my parents bedroom mirror waiting to enter my own magic world. I'd touch the glass with my hand, sit on my parents bed and wait a bit, then touch the glass again. I always hoped that just once my hand would go through. Tessa has found her own "magic mirror". She is so mesmerized by the world outside her "looking glass"(our big sliding door)- the trees, the birds, the grass and swings, and most especially the children.  

Today as I was sitting and watching Tessa press herself against the glass I saw myself, seventeen years ago, wanting to get through my parents mirror. I wrapped my arms around her and whispered, "That sure looks magical doesn't it? Let's get you through that glass." I took her little hand and pushed open the sliding door. We counted to three and then jumped into the world she so desperately wanted to explore. I love getting to play imagination with my daughter. 
This last picture is my favorite :) How can you say "no" to that? 
In this house we jump through a magic looking glass. And it is awesome. 

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